Thursday, April 16, 2009

What Color?

When people start collecting depression glass that is one of the first questions they ask. I don't blame them, it can be tricky. The good news is that there are so many colors to choose from, instead of getting frustrated and not knowing what color you want to start collecting, don't put emphasis on it and just start collecting. That's it. Just start getting what color you run into, end up getting a good deal on, or just prefer. If another color of depression glass comes along then you should value that as well. It's that simple.

It's definitely a small form of irony on a small scale that during the depression the worst colors, by popular opnion based on how they reacted, become more obsolete but now because they are more rare they are the more valueable collectors items. Depression glass for the win!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Depression Glass Rocks

Real depression glass was made in the 1920s and at later dates as well. They are primarly made in green, pink, red, yellow and others but those are the most popular. You can also find them in clear which really isn't a color now that I think about. If you do find some that is in good condition you should grab onto it because it is becoming more and more rarer every day that goes by.

A lot of people resort to the internet and auction sites to find the exact piece they need. This is fairly commong for all types of glass, unless you appreciate going to a local store and supporting it by purchasing from there.

If you do want to find more about depression glass then sit back relax and wait for the posts to start coming in because they will and you will soon be a glassware expert.

Depression glass was made because of a depression and I think what the economy is going through these days it will make a comeback, even just not as collectors items but as in actual use, you never know. Glass vintage chandeliers are quite similar.